Wednesday, November 28, 2007

:: World’s fastest Texter ::

..Salam sumer..

--tadik g jalan2 kat blog org, then terbace mende nih... trus nk kopipes.. kan FAZ kan...--

A world record’s been set in Dunedin for speedy texting.

While it’s yet to be ratified, 17-year-old Elliot Nicholls could find his name in the Guinness Book of Records for being the world’s fastest texter.

With fingers flying, Nicholls texted “The razor toothed piranhas of the genera serrasalmus and pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality, they seldom attack a human.”

And if that sounds easy then you should know that Nicholls did all that without looking at the screen, in 45 seconds, and correctly.

“I know it’s going to be pretty hard to beat now, with 45 seconds, so I’m really happy, really happy,” says Nicholls.

He says if someone else does beat the record he might try it again, but for now it’s back to being a normal 17-year-old and hitting the books for exams.


fahrulazmi said...

alaaa... dier dah practice byk2 tuu...

fred said...

eh fakrul..
aper la ko nih!!!
blajau tinggi2.
tapi tetap nk pertikaikan..
sah2 la practise make perfect..
so aper masalahnyer..:: wink ::

cam lew ko gakz kan..
sbb dia parktis byk2 lew,
nama dia ley masuk guiness book of record.

ellieandcarl'sstories said...

dasatt tuhh budakk tuh.. mmg teror kot...dulu kecik2 ske tekan keybod tak...?

fahrulazmi said...

hahaha... parents dier kasi main keyboard la tuu kecik2... tu yg terer tu.. haha

fred said...

tau xpe...
tgok la budaya owg lua,,,
ank nk men teknologi pon bagi/galakan dari kecik..
owg msia(terutama melayu)
kecik2 da di momok2 kan ngan ittew ini...
bile nk berjaya..??
tul x?
juz my thought...

zaman skrg nih,
anak2 nk hp pon xley,
sbb zaman dia xder hp..
*ops!! terlebey komen lak**